*Dual-mode (Digital+Analog), UHF & VHF dual band, dual watch*1.77 inch color screen
*4000channels; 800contacts with 130000 digital contacts
*DMO True2-Slot dual time slot
*Updated Firmware/Software available for new Features
*Text Messages in Digital Mode
*Manual writing-frequency
*Digital mode supports the use of relays
*Remote Kill/Stun/Activate
*Voice Prompt
*Complying with Digital Protocol ETSI TS 102 361-1, -2, -3
*Compatible with MotoTRBO Tier 1 & 2
*DTMF decoding and encoding
*Private Call, Group Call, All Call
*Priority Scan
*Encryption Function
*Built-in CTCSS/DCS
*GPS positioning function (optional function)
*9H recording function (optional function)
*Support firmware upgrade functionality, expand to 130,000 contacts